Friday, August 12, 2016

Changing The Way Politicians Benefit From their Position

As someone who has been a military member, as well as someone who had interactions with politicians and organizations that planned and implemented plans for their community.  I can say that what Hillary Clinton has done with the Clinton Foundation is no different than what all politicians and government agents take advantage of.

Politicians and government agents in the right place at the right time are able to invest in real estate, products, and companies based on what is being planned for their communities.  I know for a fact that certain politicians made money for themselves and their children by investing in real estate before certain plans were implemented.   I know for a fact that people who were government employees also took positions within other organizations that do quality assurance and report on businesses for environmental infractions.   I know for a fact that people would go back and forth between government organizations, business, and the organizations who monitor them.

This has been going on since we have had a political society, about 200,000 years ago.  If you want to change it, then you have to make it a point of reference, not just vote for someone who doesn't seem a part of the process from the politician's side.  Trump knows how to take advantage of laws and the political process and so does any expert or veteran politician.

If you want politicians not to be able to benefit from the position they are in, then you have to make it a priority.  Just by voting in some douchebag, does not get rid of the political game.  People in power can always take advantage of what is going on in their district.  We need to make laws that will stop them from benefitting from decisions they make regarding our communities.  Vote for someone with a proven sound mind and the ability to make critical decisions against foes she already knows.  Then, get to fixing the laws.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Things Your Mind Says That Makes You Say...


Have you ever been out and about and saw someone that made you stop in your tracks to say WTF? 

Chances are you have. 

I learned years ago in a course that we write a script for  people that makes us pause. Is it a man or a woman?  Is she black, white or what?  Is she a gang banger or a young person trying to fit into a script or style?   Is he poor? Is he an exotic dancer?  Is this person a player or professional business person?  Looks like a redneck racist... Hell's Angel or backwoods ignoramus.  Maybe an elitist or someone from a mystic organization like the one in Tom Cruise movie "Eyes Wide Shut".

Do you realize that we make up shit in our own minds to explain the people who are walking by us or who we are working with?  Do you know that one small piece of information can totally change how we think about that person?  

Clearly, it has been since the dawn of (man ) +woman,  that our goal is to preserve our own line... our family... our clan.  We are designed or have evolved to protect what is ours.  That's all good, and it definitely serves a purpose but  I believe we have passed the time of perseverance and are at a time when we need to help EVERYONE get to a place where they can surpass their potential, which will help all of us progress.

When you see a young person who appears to be down or lost, do you have the desire to talk to that person in order to let him/her know that they have so much going on and what they are going through is pretty common?  Do you see someone begging on a side street and actually take the time to see who they are or what they need?

Some of the deepest and most amazing people I have met are homeless, choose to be homeless and give their efforts towards survival and helping others.  

It's all a matter of perspective and the lens we are looking through is what will determine how we see the world around us.... Take someone else's glasses and look around to see what people are going through just to get by.  Or look through the glasses of someone who sees nothing but greatness in front of her. 

Take the time to think... put yourself in someone else's shoes  and what do you think people think of you?  We are all in this together.  We all want the same things/ Let's try to acknowledge this and realize that everyone else is doing the same thing.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Your Focus Is Your Purpose

Let's put a blue light on for the police, because we believe in them and feel badly for the sacrifices they make in the name of keeping American's safe.  Let's wear a yellow ribbon for soldiers who are missing, pink ribbons for those who suffer from breast cancer, blue ribbons for those who suffer from abuse.

There are many causes we can attach ourselves to because we are affected by them.  We want to support the ones we love when they are fighting illness, abuse, or loss.  ALL great causes to get behind.

I could easily support any of the ones I listed and then some.  But I chose to focus on race.  Why?  I think people get lost on this one.  I am not quite sure why... but I think we can discuss it and make some headway.

So let's do that....